Getting Your AC Serviced Today Means A Cool, Comfortable Home Tomorrow

Well, folks, spring is in the air. The birds are out chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the mercury is ever so slow slowly making its way back to more temperate temperatures. We know everyone is getting excited thinking about summer vacation and all the activities that can come with it, but now is not the time to forget about your indoor comfort… which could be more important than ever once summer’s heat sets in. Before heat waves start crashing on the shore of your home, make sure that your air conditioner is ready to go so you can experience cool comfort all summer long. The best way to do that? Scheduling an early bird spring AC tune-up from your friends here at American Home Pros

What Makes Regular AC Maintenance So Important?

Like any major component of your home, your air conditioner is a complicated, carefully engineered piece of machinery that has multiple parts working in concert to provide your home with cool comfortable air. A system that complex can’t just keep going on its own forever though. Without regular care, your air conditioner is subject to breakdowns, or worse, outright system failures, and these always seem to happen at precisely the wrong time… like when temperatures hit triple digits. Here are a few reasons to go ahead and get your AC maintenance scheduled now, rather than waiting.

Enhance Efficiency

Tired of seeing a high power bill? Your air conditioner is one of the biggest energy hogs in your home, but if you keep it well-maintained, you can keep its total energy use as low as possible. This translates into big savings on your utility bills. Plus, the less your unit has to work, the longer it will last overall.

Avoid Repairs

One of the best parts of having regular maintenance is having an opportunity to discover minor issues with your unit before they turn into full-on breakdowns. When our technicians go through your system, we can identify and address these issues so that you won’t have to pay for an expensive repair later on. Nipping these problems in the bud early also contributes to a longer lifespan for your unit.

Breathe Easier

Your indoor air quality is important. You spend a lot of time in your home, and the air you breathe while inside can have a direct impact on your health. During a regular AC maintenance check, we change out filters, clean up debris from your system and dust from your coils, and make sure you’re getting the proper level of ventilation. Altogether, this leads to better overall indoor air quality so you and your family can breathe healthier when at home.

Choice Comfort

The better shape your air conditioner is in, the more cool it will be able to keep you during the sweltering summer heat. That’s just science. By getting regular maintenance, you can make sure that your air conditioner is always ready to go when summer increases the demand for cool air in your home. We’ll fine-tune your thermostat settings, check your airflow, and verify your refrigerant levels so you can be certain your AC will perform at the highest levels all season long.

Priceless Peace Of Mind

When you schedule an early bird spring AC tune-up, you have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your air conditioner will be ready all summer long. Plus, you’ll get documentation of the service work done, in case there’s ever a need to make a warranty claim on your unit in the future. It is the best way to enjoy worry-free comfort this year.

Schedule Your Spring Tune-Up Today!

It doesn’t matter if you’re already a member of our Friends & Family Club, or if your system just hasn’t been checked out in a while and you know it’s due. Spring is the perfect time to have your air conditioner checked out by one of the experts here at American Home Pros Schedule your early bird spring AC tune-up today, and tomorrow enjoy cool, crisp comfort that will beat the heat this summer. Send us a message online, or call (539) 500-1776 to schedule today!

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