From spring to fall, it seems as if every season has become cold and flu season. Whether you’re constantly blowing your nose or cooking chicken noodle soup for your family, you just can’t seem to kick the germs out of your home. It has become a war for the health of your body and the well-being of your home. Thankfully, at American Home Pros, we can equip your home with the right weapon to win the war against germs once and for all. A UV germicidal light purifier will swiftly and efficiently eliminate bacterial contaminants from your indoor environment. Together, we can make sure that those germs don’t stand a chance of surviving this battle.

Kiss Bacteria Goodbye & Say Hello To Better Air Quality

Biological pollutants, such as viruses, mold, and bacteria pose a real threat to your health. However, unlike other pollutants that you may see floating around your home or sticking to tabletops, these biological contaminants are microscopic, making them virtually invisible to your eye. Their small stature permits them to slip through the cracks of other air filtration systems and right into your home, allowing them to make your indoor environment unhealthy – and your family even more so.

Luckily, germicidal lights are designed specifically to eliminate these biological pollutants to create a healthier indoor environment. In fact, UV germicidal lights destroy contaminants, including mold, mildew, and bacteria from your home before they even have a chance to enter it. Using maximum-intensity ultraviolet light, the cell structure of microorganisms becomes damaged, preventing the bacteria from growing and spreading throughout your home.