Bringing Warmth To A Deserving Veteran
Soldier’s Wish is a nationwide organization whose mission is simple – to show gratitude to and honor our veterans by providing for their needs, regardless of branch of rank. Whether it’s helping arrange reunions with loved ones, providing once-in-a-lifetime experiences or helping with medical needs, they are committed to taking care of our brave men and women. Our mayor had already reached out to them to let them know we wanted to help, and when they got a nomination from here in Jenks, we were ready to go.

Meet Bob
Bob is a 9-year military veteran who has lived in his Jenks home for over 30 years. A battle with cancer took away Bob’s employment – and much of his voice – but, as he memorably puts it, he “got it killt.” Bob has been relying on a fireplace for heat, but it’s hard to keep up with it, plus there’s an element of risk to using it that much.
The solution? A brand-new advanced heating and cooling system installed free of charge by American Home Pros. Partnering with Soldier’s Wish, our crew put in the new units so that Bob would no longer have to lug around firewood just to keep his home warm nor would he have to sweat through our long summers praying for a breeze through his open windows. Instead, he’ll enjoy what every veteran deserves – a home that is relaxing and comfortable all year long.
“It’s awesome,” Bob said of the gift, “I just can’t tell you how it makes me feel.”
Eternally Grateful To Our Troops
One of the things that made installing Bob’s new HVAC system so special was knowing what he’d sacrificed to help make this country what it is today. As pointed out in the video above, veterans may not like being called heroes, but that’s exactly what they are. Heroes who have kept us safe by giving what President Lincoln called “the last full measure of devotion” – risking their lives for all of us. We hope every time his system clicks on and Bob feels that warmth pervading his home, he’ll see it as a handshake, a hug, a salute – but above all the thanks of a grateful community and nation.